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lmao. i'm 31 and am on my 15th vehicle, however this is the first "New" one for me. i've had it since new 06. I think you should upgrade your exhaust and get a tune from 5Star and you should easily get up into the 18+ range. I have a real good 93 tune on my truck right now and i get about 500 miles on a 28 gal tank.
I've been doing the "get better MPG" dance for the past year. I think you should drop your M/T for a great looking A/T. Upgrading to the 302 intake will make the truck work easier since you just increased the airflow. those 2 changes along w/ getting a tuner w/ a great tune on it will give you almost a 10-15% increase. I drive 100+ miles a day as well, looking at 26k a year, so I know the boat you are in. whats your current tire size?