I recently did my first oil change on my 07 F250 with the 6.0. I have had no issues but hit 100,000 miles and due to buying the truck at 98,299 miles, 100,000 is a good time to PM the truck and make sure I k is what is in it and it's all new. For now I have changed both fuel filters. The oil filter, new Shell T6 oil and I added 16 oz of Archoil. After reading that with time the 6.0 has issues with injector stiction I decided to add the Archoil. There are several other products like RevX and hot shot secret that claim to fix injector stiction but have mixed reviews. 95% of every thing I found on Archoil show it does a great job of fixing stiction issues. Due to that I see it as a great way to prevent the truck from ever getting a issue. I added the 16 oz and can honestly say the truck turns over faster and has a noticeably quieter idle.... The typical chatter is greatly reduced. It still sounds like a diesel, but the idle chatter is amazingly decreased. I will be looking into adding this to other areas of the truck for assistance with lubrication. AR9000 Friction Modifiers | Archoil This article outlines the reduction of stiction in a 6.0 through diesel power magazine. Archoil AR9100 For 2003-2007 Ford Super Duty 6.0L Power Stroke Engines - Diesel Power Magazine Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tried the RevX on my 7.3, I was amazed it made even the noisy 7.3 quiet down considerably. Looks like it is comparably priced in line with what I paid for the RevX.
I have seen both good and bad on RevX but mainly good on Archoil 9100 Shipped the Archoil is $45 or so.... Heard RevX is much more.... But either way, this stuff is great, and good in more than just the diesels. I added it to my Corolla last night. Gonna add to my F250 transmission today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk