I'm debating in loop the last couple months on selling the 67 F100 project. Had it since August 2010 and got nowhere with it except the buy some parts I need to complete to it. I still need a bigger air compressor for sand blasting and da sanding work. The only thing I dont was repaint some 390 engine parts and a few of the suspension parts. The big trucks parts such hood, rearend, bed, cab, etc been in storage since April 2011 at the rate of $150 for the 10x30. Since I'm still jobless even after going to Auto Tech School my has been paying the bill for me out limited SSI disability check which is isnt much for whole month. Whats your thoughts?
Hate to say it but you may be right. Project are a surplus not a need. Good luck bro sent from area 51
I dont have buddies that would take it. They most likely part it out and scrap rest. Thats what everybody does here is scrap everything cause the junk dealers live by the day.
Wish I had a place to keep it and tinker on it every-so-often. paint would be the last thing id worry about. I would fix any of the panels then soda blast it (baking soda will keep it water tight till its sanded and primed) and work on the suspension/engine/drivetrain and take it to car shows. just something about a used truck or jeep that really stands out compared to the typical vehicle with sparkling paint and shiney chrome. how do ya think my buddy won the most outragious for his '43 Willies ratrod...yup it was a used war jeep converted to ratrod, original paint, rust, wood fence panels for floorboards....it was awesome to ride in too!