Ok, so Eric is putting gears in next week and I figure I might as well put a different cover on the back. I don't want to spend more than 200 on one and I am only doing it in the rear. I am just looking for something that don't look stock, aiming for looks and bad assness! Lol If you got any ideas post a link! J.Wal
This is bad ass! I am going to see what there prices are. I would love one that looks like my tatt. J.Wal
pretty expensive bro Stainless Steel (strongest) – $625.00 Aluminum - $399.00 Bronze – $525.00 http://zingologymfg.com/Zingology%20Web%20Order%20Form.pdf
you can get a polished aluminum cover and one of these Spider Rock Guards for the PCP Aluminum Differential Cover in any of these colors http://purplecranium.com/c-53713-powder-coating-opt.html