living in the upper Midwest and salt on the roads in the winter...I have a question for ya all... I want to redo my truck due to the rust on the body...but...afraid if I simply put another box or sides on...what's to keep it from happening again? and finding boxes ain't easy around here and if you do find one they are pricey. Been tossing around the idea of a flat bed but just not sure about the look. I know there are many different styles....what do you all think? yay.. nay... maybe? anyone here for this and if so any pictures? Sent From My Samsung Galaxy SIII With Tapatalk 2
Flat beds look odd on a single wheel base if you had a dually and a Lincoln welding rig to throw on it I'd say go for it
how difficult is it to replace the besides? anyone have experience with this? Sent From My Samsung Galaxy SIII With Tapatalk 2
Not on a half ton. Replacing the bed really isnt too bad. Mostly disconnect everything lift and replace sent from area 51
You can order bed sides. Though it might be cheaper to find a parts truck with a blown motor sent from my igloo
As far as I know you just cut the bedsides off and weld the new one in place. Just before you install them spray them with some kind of under-coating to prevent the rust from coming back. As far as a flatbed I say nay, along with the other guys... It doesn't look so good on a single axle truck.
I agree. I did find a flatbed that looked really nice....but the bed was $4500. HOWEVER..I did manage to locate a rust free bed off a 97 F250 light duty. going to pick it up this afternoon. Sent From My Samsung Galaxy SIII With Tapatalk 2
I made a wooden flatbed for my truck looks hundred bucks of treated deck wood and your finished Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
post it up man! and put up intro thread too! ive seen some pretty kick ass trucks with flatbeds. might be a route I would like to take in the future with all the salt used here in Michigan. already rebuilt the bed once but I know other spots are already rusting through.