Idk about the 3" level man... My friend has a 3" on his 08 f150 and the upper A arm is literally 1/4" from his strut assembly so he has no down travel at all without it hitting. Plus with a 2.5" my cv axle is probably a good 30 degrees. Who knows what a 3" would do on a 4x4 Sent from Deh iphone4 using tapatalk
Do your homework and see which ones are true to advertised lift height and which go over. The Autosprings like I have go over. I got 1/2" more lift than the advertised height so I'm glad that I didn't go for the next size up.
I might toss my 2.5" on over Christmas too, just need to have the $100 free for the alignment lol the HBS are billet, so there shouldn't be any shrinkage like your abs one.
Lol well my truck has an HBS 2.5" and the same grille guard as you so that's all you need Sent from Deh iphone4 using tapatalk