1) Order Matchbox projectors from TRS/Amazon/Flebay 2) Remove foglights and brackets from bumper 3) Bake the Foglights in oven at 225* for 5min intervals until the glue softens. The pop the lens off. 4) Cut the back of the foglight out until the Projector ears fit against the back of the bowl. I used a saw, it was messy. I've seen someone else measure the diameter of the projector base, get a holesaw that diameter, then drill out the housing. Much cleaner and more exact. sent from my igloo 5) I had to trim the inside mounting ring of the shrouds so they would sit deep enough. Shrouds used were Mini Gatlings 5b) Paint bowl/shroud. Or leave Chrome 6) Square up the projector against the lines in the bowl. You probably should do this outside against a garage or something to get it perfect. My bumper is tweaked on both sides and out of whack, so I didn't do that. there is quite a bit of horizontal adjustment built into our fogs, so don't worry about that too much. 7) I used JB Weld QuikStik Epoxy to secure the outside of the Projector against the foglight housing. Mix up plenty. I then used black silicone caulking on the inside of the bowl to seal-x2 and hide the white epoxy. 8) Make sure the shroud is sitting level, secure it to the projector. I used a dab of silicone on each mounting point. 9) Fill the rim of the light housing with silicone and stick the lens back in - Go around the outside of the lens and fill that up with silicone as well. -- these are foglights near the ground, you don't want water leaking in at all. 10) Let things cure overnight
The Foglight mounting bracket needs trimmed to allow vertical adjustment. The corner just needs trimmed off. These are the pieces that need installed on the back of the projector in order to mount the H1 bulb. Goes from top to bottom. They only fit one way, but I thought I'd show you the order anyways. Backside
I was blocked in, so this is as far back as I could get for aiming them lol. Night shots Switchbacks and fogs
Thanks guys. Going to put them on the truck at lunch today lol. Midnight was too dark to do it last night sent from my igloo