found one used on craigslist. says the bags and the air lines so you'd still need a compressor FIRESTONE AIR BAGS
installed a t to inflate evenly? that guys an idiot with a t on it when u turn corners airpressure shifts from one side to the other making u have way to much lean even more with a load
ha thats the same link that i saw. i figured for an extra 60 i could get that kit new, and just get a mating compressor.
haha he said it doesnt matter about the t he hasnt noticed any SEVERE leaning but there was some i said well thats exactly why then he said i dont know what im talking about i didnt reply then he responded again and said he will fix the t problem if i buy it hahaha
yea and thats why i was so reluctant in emailing him. hell, its baytown, i can be there in 1.5hr lol. bout to call firestone later this morning. i want to see if there is a way to adapt the R4 Tech system into the F150, or if I can add something on to the Ride Rite 2350 to allow it to kneel like that system does.