so as y'all know i got the truck and it had a small level on it, a daystar to be exact and i'm OCD so i ordered a 2.5" HBS level to replace it. the daystar kit came consists of a rubber spacer and stud extensions that replace the factory studs coming out of the strut assembly. I had trouble taking off the bolts so i said screw it. i got a grinder and cut off the nuts on top of the strut assembly. i put on the HBS level and of course the threads were too long. i grinded them down a little and ran into another problem. there was about half an inch of "non-thread" so the kit wouldn't tighten down all the way. my solution was to put some 7/16" washers in there to fill up the space. so far so good. it will hold until i can either get some new 4x4 strut assemblies or get some new studs pressed in. now off to get it aligned yes i did this all in the parking lot of my apartments at school lol. i ran an extension cord from the apartment all the way to the truck WTF it'll work Finished product: She sits level!