I just put on drilled and sloted rotors today and quater inch wheel spacers all the way around. But my rear tires stick out a little more than my front ones. To even them out do yall think I should get one inch spacers for the front So my truck can have that bull dog stance or leave it?
If you can get the spacers I would. Did the rear wheels stick out more before the brake job? Just curious.
i say leave it alone man ..... ive always let mine stay in that extra bit ... it dont really matter ...... when i had my 37s u cud barley tell it .. also the front fenders flare out more than the bed does
yea just leave it! my tires in the front are off a little too and you can only notice if i tell you and even then you have to look real close
If it's nothing crazy off I say let it ride, but that's up to you more then anyone. If it doesn't bother you that much then I'd say screw it and keep it as is. Now if it's something that's going to bother you from now on out, then go ahead and throw some spacers on it.