I'm lookin at new tires (275/70/18's, gonna run stock wheels and some lift up front for a while) And i've narrowed it down too Nitto Tera Graps G2, Toyo AT2, and Duratrac's. I know the Duratrac's are great in the snow and stuff, everyone in the area runs them, but being 7-9lbs heavier per tire compared to the others, and a $50 higher too, idk. I liked my Toyo mt's i had on the RAB, so i was leaning twords the AT2's. Any suggestions?
The Toyos would be fine, but I'm a big fan of Hankook tires both for price and weight. Their ATMs are a nice all terrain and the M/T RT03 is what I run studded for winter.
All 3 great options. I've been happy with my nittos and I know everyone on here likes the other two as well. Good luck deciding I'll be in the same predicament soon as well. I always have like bfgs ats as well.
I had bfg ats as my last set and now I have the toyo at IIs. the bfgs were great, lasted forever, and were cheaper. The toyos have been great so far, but they were expensive. It was all they had in the size I needed and I needed them right away. That's the only reason I got them, so far they haven't disappointed me at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I did find the Duratracs for a price in range with the rest of them. Which is nice. Now just to decide lol.
If you get snow I'd go with Duratracs. Just pavement and roads I'd go with an All-terrain. The new BFG A/T looks pretty slick also
Pretty much decided on a set of 17x10's -24 offset and 285/70/17 Duratracs. Just not sure what fuel wheel i want to go with.. Now to order it all sometime this week