I've got a pair of switchback turn signals that I want to install. However, they are amber with parking lights and flash white with the turn signal... Has anyone swapped the wires around? Or have a clue on how to do it?
Brother, I think you're going to have to go ahead and give it a try on your own. It's weird that the switchback would be amber and flash white, every other time I've seen them they were white and flash amber.
You are a different kind of smart man. Excellent job. Lol JK sometimes brown is ground Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
Not sure why you would want backwards switchbacks lol The point of switchbacks is being legal with amber flashers but all white up front with other driving lights. Seems like a difficult task to complete for a not so good result in my opinion. Good luck figuring this one out.
Left front colors Brown is the parking light Green/white is turn signal Black is ground Right front colors brown = parking white/light blue = turn signal black = ground Swap the brown and green/white stripe wires on the left front and swap the brown and white/light blue on the right front. Cut them about 2-3 inches back from the factory plug so you can "switchback" if ya don't like the result. If ya want you can push the terminal release pins inside the factory plug and remove the terminal pins and crimped wire from the plug and swap them that way. Very tricky to find and push the terminal release prongs but it can be done. Most people would save the headache of finding and releasing the terminal pins so they just cut and swap the wires.
Yeah, I found the pins and all that. Pain in the butt to try and get them to release. I might just do the rewire deal. I don't think it would make a difference with the regular incandescent 3157A bulbs on which filament lights up.
On the 3157A you would have brighter than normal parking lights and the turn signal filament would be a faint blinking light output "behind" the brighter bulb filament that has become the parking light.