Ok here some pics of my lights. Remember, the camera does not do justice to these lights...make them twice as bright as you see in the picture and thats what you have. Headlights w/ Fogs 30" Lightbar Amber Duallys EVERYTHING
Do not plan on getting RI if you drive when it is snowing. It snowed its ass off here last week and the rigid does not have enough heat to melt the snow, atleast mine didn't. J.Wal
completly random good thing i dont live in a place that snows less than a foot/yr and thats for like a month...and everyone is freakin out school is closed for 3 weeks
Same here. Not much snow thought the year, but I would hate for one of the Alaska boys to get one and only be able to use it after it quits snowing which is possibly never. Haha J.Wal