So I found someone on here mention in a thread about this site... Needless to say the headlights that they make are "sick" haha... Anyone know anything about them? Like how expensive? and quality of product? Any problems? Worth it? The reason I'm interested, is that when I get a new truck, I'm considering getting some hid projector headlights... And I think it would be pretty sweet to have my own custom pair... That way I'll never see anyone with the same exact ones... Thoughts?
I believe J.Wal is your man that has a custom pair. I think they were kinda pricy just depends on how rich your blood runs.
I have a thread for ya!! I had him build me a set, love them! He did a set this last time that were for a 09 and newer and hell, made me want to go but a new truck just for some new lights. Brian is awesome, he will work with you to get you exactly what you need/ want. His prices are listed in my thread above. Any more questions just let me know J.Wal
dude, the post i found was your lights... i just couldnt remember who it was! i love them..., my question is how flexible is this guy? See i had 55W 6000k HID's from DDM tuning in my heads and 35W 6000k fogs on my old truck... so whatever new truck i get, all i have to do is order new bulbs (about $30) and i have HID's that i can plug in and go.... Do you think i could order say a set of lights off of ebay and have him mod them for me, and i just plug my HID's in when he sends them back? or is he rly big about only using his stuff? Im trying to get a custom look on a really cheap budget... and i cant afford to blow away $800 being that i dont have a job... haha
You could always order the projectors kits from and do the install yourself, saving a few hundred bucks. but w/ SickHIDs you're paying for the convenience of pure PNP (Plug N Play).
When you install true projectors you dot use regular style bulbs. They mount different. In factory housings the bulbs twist and lock in place. With projectors they are like probes that slide in and are held in place with a tab and Phillips screw. There is no way to use your existing bulbs with real projectors. J.Wal
Right. Because the projectors take a H1 or something bulb and your heads take a 9007 (I think) The ballasts that you get are also a lot higher quality than the DDM stuff. I ordered a full kit from TRS, just haven't installed it yet... The other ford forums have some decent writeups on installing projectors yourself, its not hard, just takes a while.