I need it allll gone! Planet Audio 1600.4 - $40 Works great, used it for a few months and sold the truck. Really good for door speakers. Planet Audio 1500.1 - $40 Works good, not super crazy loud but gets the job done. Boss 1100.1 - $40 Works great, louder than the PA 1500.1 i had. Memphis PR 10's D4. - $60? No tears or holes, still in great working order. RE Audio SRx 10's D2 - $40? Had these in the black truck sounded great. Did get smelly once or twice but still worked great afterwards.
see if that box will fit under your 12th gen back seat , if so I mite buy them if u get rite on the price lol
I've ran it at 2ohm, as far as i know its not 1ohm stable. It made the RE's do work at 2 ohms, which is what it was bought for originally.
- from amp, to - of sub A, to - of sub B + from amp, to + of sub A, to + of sub B Then - to + on the other vc on both subs should give you 2 ohms at the amp