Today heading into work, my steering got super stiff, then my gauges flashed "Charging System Failure" and then switched it up to "Cutting System Power" Why? My belt fell off and got torn up a bit because my tensioner pully is toast. I'm picking up a new one in a few minutes and replacing it after work. Luckily I had a spare belt and replaced it in a parking lot (30min ) Any tips on fixing this? Or diagrams?
remove belt, remove bolts, remove pulley assembly, then install new and bolt it up -- you will need to look up the torque specs for the bolts, not too tight and use loc-tite, then put the belt on and your good too goo.
well wayy too tight would shear the bolt or strip the threads. I dont remember if it bolts to the block or an accessory bracket....thats worse case thought..
psh...I ain't the hulk. I'll snug them up good and check them in a couple hundred miles. Probably going to order a Gates belt tomorrow for a spare. Any reasons not to?
It got torn up a little when it got tossed, not risking it. I'm using the old motorcraft one for now. sent from my igloo
cowboy I'm not sure exactly where you live in Alaska but if you live near a carquest which i know there is one in anchorage and wasilla gates belts is what they carry.. That's who i work for so that's how i know