fed ex brung me some pans today .... and napa let me down and only one caliper showed up ... but thats normal for them...
had new custom pipes put on it friday. manifold to tail pipes ... them spent saturday putting new manifold gasgets in it ..... and the new rad got here today. the 46 year old camper specal finaly gave up
orderd a mini spool for the 4.10 center chunk. new rad works well .... but just can't stand the way it looks. going to drop off the original one and have it re-cored in the morning
got the factory stuff cleaned up and working for the 76. found a set of 15X8 steal wheels ..... now to find the dog dish caps i like ...
Looks great. Need to find guage lense for mine. Plastic getting milky. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
had to swap out the heater core today .... so i finished up the dash .... yup the factory am/fm stereo works. i got a full gauge pod for it. but not sure if i want to do that (because it is a bit of a pain) or just put a set in the A piller. ...... Oil/ volts/ trans temp